Work Experience Students

Work Experience Students

EBCam are keen to support the next generation of finance professionals by providing work experience for local students. During June 2023, Hugo Juan from year 11 at Ipswich School and Jacob Boulton from year 10 at Sawston Village College spent some time at our Bury St...
EBCam Team Go Punting in Cambridge

EBCam Team Go Punting in Cambridge

The team from EBCam had a fantastic evening punting on the River Cam.  The sun shone, the prosecco flowed and there was even some singing! Some people had a go at punting and did really well. Others opted to sit back, relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery as we gently...
Mildenhall Town FC vs Brantham Athletic

Mildenhall Town FC vs Brantham Athletic

EBCam were pleased to sponsor Mildenhall Town FC vs Brantham Athletic at home on Saturday 15th April. It was an exciting game to watch and the final score was 4-0. Everyone had a great afternoon, watching football while enjoying wine, beer, sandwiches and sausage...
New Office Opened By Jo Churchill MP

New Office Opened By Jo Churchill MP

The sun shone when Jo Churchill MP for Bury St Edmunds visited Fornham Business Court on 11 April 2023 to open the new office of EBCam Ltd, a leading, local financial services company specialising in employee benefits and independent financial advice. In her speech Jo...